The third U21 Digital Humanities workshop will take place at Lund University from 19 to 21 September 2012. It will have the theme Interfaces - Digital studies of culture and cultural studies of the digital. Provisional sessions titles include Digital heritage and digital preservation and Teaching and learning - the digital classroom. Early Career Researchers and graduate students will be welcome to attend, as well as established academics and practitioners in this area.
The workshop will have the following three themes:
Digital heritage and digital preservation, Session 3
We invite you to submit proposals for presentations within one of the above themes. The submissions may be of three types:
1) Paper presentations (20 minutes presentation, 10 minutes discussion). Please submit an abstract of 250 - 500 words. Proposals for paper presentations can be either
reports of completed research projects/development of new tools and resources
descriptions of work in progress and shorter experiments.
2) Poster presentations (3-4 hours/theme). Please submit an abstract of max 200 words. Presenters will be provided with board space at one of the conference venues. Posters will be on display during the time slot allocated to its corresponding theme, and in the venue where that theme session is being held. Presenters should be present to discuss their projects and answer questions.
3) Panel sessions (10 min introduction, 30 minutes discussion, 5 minutes summary of discussions). The session organizer should submit a summary of the topic for discussion of max. 200 words together with 200 words per panel member, how it will be organized and the names, titles and affiliations of the panel members (4-6 members). It is the responsibility of the organizer to make sure that the members are willing to participate in the panel session, and to inform the panel members should the proposal be accepted.
The deadline for submission of abstracts is May 14.
All proposals must be submitted electronically, using the online submission form found in the registrationpage.
Since this workshop will be of a more informal character than a regular conference, focusing on facilitating discussions, exchange of ideas and formation of networks, the presenters will not be asked to hand in full papers to the workshop organizers, and no proceedings will be published.
The submitted abstract will undergo a review and the submitter will receive information on whether the abstract has been accepted for presentation or not on June 1. After that, a final programme will be prepared and published on the workshop webpage.